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ice cream vending machine alibaba


Many entrepreneurs are suffering from excessive investment pressure and high investment cost. After all, it is very difficult for most investors to bear the expenses of housing rental, decoration, staff wages, raw material procurement and other aspects at the same time. Here, hommy recommends a lower cost investment project - ice cream vending machine.


Hommy ice cream vending machine model, can not rely on the existence of physical stores, lower operating costs, more risk


Low, more attractive to investors. Low cost, no physical stores can be opened, leading to a major factor in the high cost of traditional entrepreneurship is to bear the rent, shop and staff wages.

Unlike the hommy ice cream vending machine, its unmanned sales mode is completely independent of physical stores


Yes. Rent saving, decoration free, do not need to hire cashiers, waiters, cleaners, investment costs are too low

Thinking. For investors who do not have sufficient funds and whose financial resources are not particularly stable, the hommy ice cream vending machine is obviously easier to use. Interested friends can go to Alibaba to buy hommy ice cream vending machine~

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