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hot food vending machine near me


The hot food vending machine next to me can refrigerate food and drink, and also have microwave oven to heat food. Of course, like other vending machines, it also has lots of drinks and snacks, and the entire tray can hold more than 60 different kinds of food. And its heating function is very convenient, a bowl of rice can be heated in less than a minute.


The hot food vending machine uses a microwave heating system, which is said to be more accurate than a typical home microwave oven, ensuring the freshness of any food and the proper temperature. Remote monitoring of faults is even supported.

Hot food vending machine is a machine which pays goods automatically according to the money input. Hot food vending machine is a common equipment of commercial automation, which can save manpower and facilitate transaction without limitation of time and place. It is a new form of commercial retail, also known as 24-hour micro supermarket. At present, there are three kinds of automatic vending machines in China: beverage vending machine, food vending machine and comprehensive vending machine. Welcome interested friends to come to consult!

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