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Hot tcs food held in a vending machine must be


Usually, Hot tcs food held in vending machines must be include instant noodles, potato chips, biscuits, ham, cigarettes, chewing gum, betel, etc.


Shop in the street vending machine than the supermarket has more advantages, want to do a good job vending machine, find a good place to determine your income. It's easier to find a brand with good after-sales service, apply for business license, tax registration certificate, negotiate with a good venue, and then start to operate.

HOMMY is such a brand enterprise with good after-sales service, which can help you to apply for food safety certification and sales license certification. These are some certifications that must be obtained for hot tcs food held in vending machines. As a vending machine manufacturer, HOMMY industry has the responsibility and obligation to help investors make better profits.

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